Frequently asked questions

Do you allow Returns and Exchanges?
Yes, we allow the return and exchange of unworn and unwashed items if we receive them within 14 days after it was delivered to you. For additional details on returns and exchanges, visit our RETURNS & EXCHANGES .
How long does it take to ship out my order and how long does delivery take?

Due to COVID-19, orders will be processed and shipped out within 2-4 business days.

We typically ship out all orders within 1-2 business days unless it's a pre-order. Delivery date depends on your location and shipping method. It can take 4-7 business days within the U.S and 2-4 weeks outside the U.S. For more info about our shipping please visit or SHIPPING & STORE POLICIES page.

Are your items true to size?
Yes, our items typically run true to size. You can view our size chart at the following link. SIZE CHART
Do the skirts come with the tops in the photos?

The tops are not sold with the skirts. However we carry some of the tops paired with our skirts which are sold separately. 

Do you do custom orders?

Yes you can order custom design, and ready-made clothing listed on our website.

Do you restock sold out items?

We are always updating our inventory with new styles and occasional may restock sold out items. If you are interested in purchasing an item that's currently unavailable, please contact us at and we will advise you if an item will be restocked or discontinued.

How quickly do you respond to emails? Do you have weekend hours?
We generally respond within 24 hrs during our regular office hours which are Monday- Friday, 9am-6pm EST. Customer Service is currently not available on Saturdays and Sundays.
Do you restock limited print items?

Once our limited print items are out of stock, they will not be reproduced. So, make sure to get it before it's sold out!

Do you offer wholesale?

Yes we offer wholesales in specific item  feel free to contact us via email at for more information.